This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project number:


TLC Pack news

Final seminar: Teaching languages to caregivers

The TLC Pack final seminar took place on the 20th April 2016 in Cham, Germany. The event was hosted by the TLC Pack project Coordinator, VHS im Landkreis Cham e.V.

The main topic of the event was Learning languages for specific purposes in the field of care. A number of speeches and presentations was delivered concerning the challenges facing the health sector and European initiatives to address these challenges, training of adult health care workers in Germany and occupational specific language learning.

The project’s end product: TLC Pack language training package was presented by Aleksandra Sikorska. During the round table sessions the participants had the opportunity to discuss the developed resources of the TLC PACK project and the possibilities of its implementation within their respective contexts.

For further information follow this link.


Contextualisation and Needs Analysis report

In order to best understand the needs of the TLC Pack target audience, each partner undertook an in-depth study to determine the specific contexts that caregivers are engaged in in the various countries.

The result of this study is available to download in the form of the TLC Pack Contextualisation and Need Analysis Report.

The overall report for the pilot testing of the TLC Pack project is now available to download.


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