This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number:
TLC Pack Events
Project Seminar: 20th April 2016 – Cham, Germany
The results of the TLC Pack project were presented during the TLC Pack final seminar on the 20th April 2016.
The event brought together European experts in the fields of care provision, language learning and integration, in the town of Cham(Germany), providing a platform for discussion and the exchange of ideas.
Dr. Hubert Zahnweh, the former head of the internal medicine department at the Cham hospital, spoke about the realities and complexities of communication between different professionals and also with patients. Peter Fleckenstein, the head of the Gesundheitsakademie Ostbayern (GAO) and manager of Gesundheitsregion plus, explained the system of vocational training of caregivers in Germany and addressed the requisite skills for working successfully as a caregiver.
Dr. Hans Rohrer representing telc gGmbH, the leading organisation in supplying language courses and tests in the German language, spoke of the increasing number of caregivers arriving from abroad and the importance of resources for work-related second language learning in the field of care.
The VHS Cham team presented the learning platform of the TLC Pack project. The English Version was used as an example for the demonstration of the structure of the language package.
Designated round-table sessions addressed the implementation of TLC Pack within national contexts including the deployment of TLC Pack resources within the workplace, language policy at work and in education as well as language learning in the care sector. Delegates discussed the developed resources of TLC PACK and how they can be implemented within their respective contexts.
Materials from the event can be found at the following links:
'Pack methodology' L-Pack2 and TLC Pack language learning package
Communication challenges facing modern medicine
Training of adult health care workers in Germany
Occupational specific language learning